Happy Earth Day 2020

On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we make a commitment to you, and the planet, that we will strive to reduce our footprint, recycle materials, reduce waste and contribute to our beautiful planet in a positive way.

In the construction business, there can be a lot of waste, with plastic, trash from prep materials etc.  As a company we have always, not just around Earth Day, but always cared for our environment and taken precautions whenever possible to use paint that has low or no VOC (volatile organic compounds), and recycle the paper that protects the floors or the plastic that protects the fixtures and furniture.  

It is our goal to maintain these practices throughout our business. If you have any questions about our environmental policies and practices, feel free to get in touch with us directly: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Happy 🌎Day!

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