The Best Time for Exterior House Painting in Longmont, CO

If you are ready to paint the exterior of your home to increase its curb appeal or simply renew an old coat that needs a fresh look, it is important to know the best time to embark on your exterior painting project. At H3 Paint, we are your source for residential exterior and interior painting services that spruce up the appearance of homes in Longmont CO. Our professional painters will handle the entire process of the paint job from start to finish, and ensure to leave you with complete satisfaction when we're done.

The Ideal Time to Paint Your Home’s Exterior

Painting exterior wall surfaces in bad weather can be a difficult task. The weather is an important factor when you intend to apply a fresh coat of paint to an exterior home surface. As far as outside air temperature is concerned, it is commonly accepted that painting at a temperature under 40 degrees puts the paint at risk of not curing properly, no matter the type of paint, paint products, or quality paints being used. For an exterior paint job to look perfect, the paint must cure at above freezing temperatures.

Painting outside in the colder months when the temperature is too low can result in:

  • Water spotting
  • Chipping or cracking of the paint film
  • Peeling or bubbling
  • Excessively slow paint drying time
  • Paint drying unevenly on surfaces

There are chemical reasons why painting in the winter time or at low temperatures causes these issues. If the temperature is too low when using oil-based paint, the viscosity of the paint can increase making its application more difficult. If the temperature is too low when using water-based paint, the paint can freeze and will not dry properly. A professional painting company knows how to work with the weather of Northern Colorado. Generally, this means in the spring months, early and late summer, and early fall time are great times to get a fresh coat of paint onto your house exterior.

Avoid Painting in Wet Conditions

Another inopportune time for painting is during rain or wetter seasons. If you attempt to paint during some of the late fall and winter months, you are more likely to run into inclement weather in the form of excessively cold temperatures or precipitation. If it rains when you paint your home, the paint may wash off the surfaces before it fully dries. If you paint on wet surfaces, the paint will not be able to adhere to the surface properly.

Avoid Painting in Extreme Heat

Painting when temperatures are too high can also have negative consequences. The worst case is that the paint dries improperly or too quickly, producing cracks or peels.

Paint During April to Early October

Painting during the period generally between mid-Spring to mid-Fall (April to early October) will provide the optimum weather conditions for painting outdoor surfaces.

Mild Colorado Weather

On average, Colorado Fall and Winter can be mild at times and provide good periods of time to perform an outdoor paint job. If you are in need of painting outdoors during these other seasons will work with you to make sure to accommodate your needs.

Avoid improper surface prep and work with experienced house painters who can account for the weather and know the correct time for everything to set perfectly. H3 Paint is a full-service paint company with decades of working with the Northern Colorado climates under our belt. For information about our exterior house painting services we offer in Longmont, CO, call us today at 720.390.3990, reach us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or request an estimate.

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